Travel Photography Tips to Improve Well-being & My Photo-experience in Mexico
I love how your photos make me feel!” - This is the feedback I got from my audience and in this blog I share my creative recipe.
This is my second trip to Mexico. In my first trip, I came back to Finland with a collection of thousands of random photos and a chaotic and restless mind obsessed about not missing any important shot… Here are the most important things I learnt about travel photography after my second trip to Mexico :
First Tip
Do not rush to photograph the most popular places. Instead, hit the streets and explore locations guided by your intuition. This felt like pure liberation for me! I became much lighter and more confident in my photographs, learning to trust my intuition more. 🤍
Second Tip
Take the time to engage all your bodily senses when you are in a new place. ➡️ Photograph how the place FEELS LIKE like FOR YOU.
* It was the first time I tried this practice and for me - it changed everything: how i frame, what i choose to look at, when i press the button and when i decide to not press it anymore 😉
Third Tip
Use your camera as your tool to connect with the new culture you are in. ➡️ Ask questions about the culture and its history to the locals or read about/ watch a documentary about its culture before you start shooting.
*I was extremely shy and insecure about myself and did not know how to talk to people. (or at least this is what I was telling myself) But after 10+ years of photography practice, here I am - eager to share all that I know with my audience. You can talk to strangers. You can have meaningful conversations if you are truly honest and interested in the new culture you are trying to photograph.
When travelling, we usually rush to get the photo to prove we’ve been there and tick it from our list. If you ask me, travel photography is much more than photographing what we think it is important, but what we FEEL is important.