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Your Own Well-being Photography project

The beginning of the year is a good time to think about your well-being aims and get the creative boost needed for the months to come.

In this online interactive course, we learn different ways on how to create a photo-project from start to finish, how to experiment with different creative photo-techniques and how to use photography when we want to improve our well-being.

If interested in improving your well-being in 2024 and upgrade your photography skills, this one is designed especially for you.

What you will gain from this online interactive course?

Gain confidence in your creative self

Improve your mental well-being

Upgrade your creative skills : visual storytelling, concept development, emotional intelligence.

Develop and upgrade your photography portfolio

Connect with like-minded individuals who share the passion for photography

Experience personal growth and better the connection between body and mind

+1 photography certificate (your new skills & activities included)

3. What will we do in this interactive course?

πŸ“·take photographs & explore with different well-being photography methods

πŸ“ project planning: learn different ways on how to plan a photo project from start to finnish

🧩 receive weekly feedback & tips for your project

🧘 creative support focused on your well-being aims for 2024

πŸ‘₯ networking with like-minded people

βšͺ creative time to relax and focus on well-being and self-care


-a laptop/computer with constant internet connection

-a camera (phone camera, DSLR or any digital camera)

-Check the time commitment required for the course. Ensure that you have the time to participate in lessons, assignments, and any discussions.

+ e-book:

Well-Lens Photography Book- Understand visual communication, how to express emotions and convey them through photographs + tips & tricks to improve your well-being through photography

November 25

Photography Workshop for Emotional Well-Being

November 22

Vision-Board Workshop for Entrepreneurial Well-Being in Helsinki