Macro Photography: A Prescription for Well-being
Macro photography is often seen as a niche hobby. In the last 3 years of practicing it, I found it's so much more than that and I wrote this blog to encourage you to look closer into this niche hobby and learn how many benefits you can gain from it to enrich your life and improve your well-being.
Intentional Living: Photo-Walk at Finnish Nature Centre, HALTIA (Suomen Luontokeskus Haltia), Finland
Photo-Walk at Finnish Nature Centre Haltia in Nuuksio National Park in Finland where I teach a creative well-being recipe for you using photography and a clear intention. Embark on this visitor journey in Finland and you will understand!
Rainy Photo-Walk on The Well-Being Nature Trail in Espoo, Finland
A photo-walk while hiking on the Health Trail in Espoo Central Park, Espoo, Finland.