Event Photography for Loneliness, Nostalgia and Stress - A photowalk to Medieval Festival in Hämeenlinna, Finland
Learn how capturing moments at events can boost your creativity, reduce feelings of loneliness, and improve your health in a simple way.
Intentional Living: Photo-Walk at Finnish Nature Centre, HALTIA (Suomen Luontokeskus Haltia), Finland
Photo-Walk at Finnish Nature Centre Haltia in Nuuksio National Park in Finland where I teach a creative well-being recipe for you using photography and a clear intention. Embark on this visitor journey in Finland and you will understand!
Rainy Photo-Walk on The Well-Being Nature Trail in Espoo, Finland
A photo-walk while hiking on the Health Trail in Espoo Central Park, Espoo, Finland.
Neuroscience explains the link between mental health and photography
Why photography improves mental health?